To walk along a long dark road, with none other than the sounds of your footsteps
A moonlit sky that shadows the path ahead
To step upon a street with only faulty lights as a companion
An intermittent glow does none for reassurance
To glide upon the ice with no hand to hold you as you fall
A cold hard embrace and unsteady feet offers many more tumbles
To speak your mind as your heart hurts inside
A judgmental tongue does none to bring healing
To bear your soul and the mistakes endured
A self righteous being cannot understand the need
To seek the counsel of those that are wise
A foolish mind can not comprehend
To embrace the love of the one above
A heart material minded can not understand
To understand and accept that long dark road
A mind body and soul you must separate
To walk along a long dark road, with none other than the sounds of your footsteps
Know that there is one walking along side you
To step upon a street with only faulty lights as a companion
Know that there is a silent and steady companion beside you
To glide upon the ice with no hand to hold you as you fall
Know that your fall was limited by The Hand that held you
To speak your mind as your heart hurts inside
Know that there is One that can relate to you
To bear your soul and the mistakes endured
Know that you are not alone
To seek the counsel of those that are wise
Know that there is one that sticks closer than a brother
To embrace the love of the one above
Know that His love is beyond
The dark roads and the lonely footsteps
The shadows and the faulty lights
The cold embrace and the unsteady feet and
The hurt inside
Often the dark road will lead to
A moonlit sky that shows the path ahead
To walk along a long dark road, with none other than the sounds of your footsteps
It was not your footsteps you heard
But the one that carried you