
Sharing with you a little bit of this and that.

Fiction, some thoughts and more fiction.

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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Long Dark Road

To walk along a long dark road, with none other than the sounds of your footsteps

A moonlit sky that shadows the path ahead

To step upon a street with only faulty lights as a companion

An intermittent glow does none for reassurance

To glide upon the ice with no hand to hold you as you fall

A cold hard embrace and unsteady feet offers many more tumbles

To speak your mind as your heart hurts inside

A judgmental tongue does none to bring healing

To bear your soul and the mistakes endured

A self righteous being cannot understand the need

To seek the counsel of those that are wise

A foolish mind can not comprehend

To embrace the love of the one above

A heart material minded can not understand

To understand and accept that long dark road

A mind body and soul you must separate

To walk along a long dark road, with none other than the sounds of your footsteps

Know that there is one walking along side you

To step upon a street with only faulty lights as a companion

Know that there is a silent and steady companion beside you

To glide upon the ice with no hand to hold you as you fall

Know that your fall was limited by The Hand that held you

To speak your mind as your heart hurts inside

Know that there is One that can relate to you

To bear your soul and the mistakes endured

Know that you are not alone

To seek the counsel of those that are wise

Know that there is one that sticks closer than a brother

To embrace the love of the one above

Know that His love is beyond

The dark roads and the lonely footsteps

The shadows and the faulty lights

The cold embrace and the unsteady feet and

The hurt inside

Often the dark road will lead to

A moonlit sky that shows the path ahead

To walk along a long dark road, with none other than the sounds of your footsteps

It was not your footsteps you heard

But the one that carried you


  1. I really feel the intensity of this poem. No matter how dark the road, He's right there beside me.

  2. I totally agree Jaycee, God is always there. x

  3. A well written, reflective and sombre post Miss Dramani.
    Prov. 12:25 says, heaviness in the heart of a man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.
    One of the mysteries of the Christian walk Miss Dramani, is that the fiery trials of our faith defy reason but gladly not faith!
    1 Peter 1:7 speaks of the trial of our faith, being much more precious than Gold...
    Miss Dramani, I think we can all take comfort in Jesus's words in Matt. 28:20, Lo I am with you always.
    The road to the mountain-top may be Long and Dark Miss Dramani but, every cloud has a silver lining - Adverse situations do not last forever.
    Miss Dramani, weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the MORNING - Ps. 30:5.
    Anchoring ourselves to the incorruptible word of God is our only comfort in these difficult times.
    Jesus said in Matt. 4:4, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
    Be of good cheer Miss Dramani !
    This too shall pass!
    Lol isi. xx
